
Cosse toi d'là !

Only two days after the MIG, I took part in the Game Dev Party #7, a game jam organized in lyon two times a year.

The theme was, in French: “Petit pois, gros poi(ds)”. This is a pun over the fact that pois (pea) and poids (weight) are pronounced the same way.

The GDP is a very friendly game jam, there is no competition between teams. The organizers also promote taking some sleep during the jam. As a result, the office hosting it is closed from midnight to 8am. The event lasts then less than 48 hours.

Peass off!

My team was composed of 4 members: one game designer, one graphist and two developers including me.

We wanted to develop a simple game that we could potentially make playable by the end of the jam; to avoid going for a too big project.

The concept of the game is very simple: you are a pea among four that are struggling to keep their place in the plate. The edges of the plate are elevated, so that the slope and gravity attract the peas towards the center. To eject other peas, you have to charge a impulsion and release it in direction of an opponent, inertia will do the rest. Each player has a jauge driving this charge, so beware of not wasting it because it has to refill! Sometimes small zones will pop that modify the friction of your pea, they can slow you or give acceleration.

The game is playable up to four players with XBOX 360 controllers. We used the lua framework LÖVE with a homemade entity component framework.

screenshot screenshot screenshot

More Reading
Newer// Skeletons
Older// Dalicious